Technology at its Most Romantech

Katania Sahal Fazimbiyek export, Tech Leave a Comment

Romantech is the world’s leading innovator of couples’ technology.

There are few perfect romantic moments that don’t expire before their prime. All too often, romance ends up being a let-down, but Romantech has been working on a remedy with their brand of chip accessories that help people feel more satisfied with their romantic life.  

As technology and automation increased, more people worked from home and became less socialized, less able to navigate the pitfalls of interpersonal relationships. There were demands for new levels of moral, social, intellectual, and financial perfection from partners impossible to uphold, so dating was sacrificed on the altar of serenity.

Even more challenging was holding on to a relationship once it started. Long-term relationships were ending more frequently. The result was a decline in the birth rate. The entire world sunk into a state of mutual sullenness.

Doctors began to prescribe microchip implants. The chips connect to utilities that can alter negative thought patterns and generate pleasant electric currents to specific parts of the brain that stimulate endorphins and create balance among the brain’s complex chemicals.

After years of proven success, nearly the entire population had a chip installed. Chips are uniformly implanted in 12-year-old children as a coming-of-age symbol that helps regulate hormones, emotions, and rebelliousness. Researchers now seek approval to plant the chips in children as young as five. Scientists are researching implants in newborns that monitor vitals, nutrition, and a baby’s impressions so parents can accommodate a baby’s developmental needs with precision.

The implanting of the chip is a safe, quick, and painless procedure. The world has become a more productive and happier place for most people on earth. There has never been a more fulfilling time to be alive. The brain is now accessible in ways never thought possible. Diseases such as dementia and epilepsy are now a distant memory. Studies on chemical manipulation of the brain for cancers and other diseases provide positive preliminary results.

Best-selling author and noted couples psychologist Dr. Bremor Greenburg explains, “Dating became less about enjoying someone you’re interested in, and more of a high-pressure job interview looking for the mirror image of one’s belief system. Belief systems shift with culture for most people. It’s impossible to keep up with.”

“Relationships, in general, have become an extension of the self, and the relationship loses autonomy. It just becomes one more thing to control in life. Most relationships are doomed to fail.”

“With chip technology, we can get past all that and get back to the basics of enjoying the moment, of letting our collective hair down and enjoying each other’s company once again.”

Romantech took advantage of the standardized implants, shepherding the technology to a new level by creating a product line of accessories that conforms intimacy to human needs and expectations.

Going out of town? Use the Body Hug Tandem Suits, the first of the product line and a Romantech favorite. When both worn, these soft, form-fitting essence fiber suits duplicate both lovers’ electrical energy fields, creating what Romantech calls a specter, described as an invisible, tangible energetic extension of the absent lover. Specters allow lovers to physically interact at a distance. The sensations are the equivalent of being in the same room. This comes in handy when one of you travels often, and you just want to snuggle on those cold lonely nights.

Romantech is currently in the process of negotiating contracts with multiple countries to supply Armed Forces with the Body Hug Tandem Suits for those stationed far from home for extended periods on peace missions, allowing for a more fulfilling experience through lengthy peacetime restructuring.

Then there is the Mega Ultra Faux Pas Filter, for those agitating nights when everything you say comes out wrong and is offensive to your significant other. Even if you believe your lover is too sensitive, you might want to give this a try. A vocalizer delay is programable for up to 90 seconds, since the recommended delay of 15-20 seconds is not enough for some impulsively needling conversationalists.

It also boasts a filter where the words “I” and “me” are said on too many occasions in short intervals. It can delete entire words, ideas, and memories from your mind for up to 4 hours, so you never completely forget but are temporarily relieved from constantly stewing on the past and ruining the present moment.

It’s favored for tricky times. Emotionally charged events, such as graduations, weddings, and funerals, can now be confidently managed in the presence of an ex-lover and a current lover simultaneously. The year following the release of this accessory, the worldwide divorce rate plummeted an unprecedented 17%.

The Beating Heart is another popular accessory for the star-crossed. When you both wear connected Beating Heart wrist straps, you receive statistics at the end of each day. It can tell you how many times your hearts beat at the same time, the longest duration that your hearts beat in perfect unison for the day. Some folks can go hours, beating as one. If your lover’s heart stops beating, you will be the first the know. There is also an option to record sweet nothings and send them to your loved one through the device while you watch their heart rate increase.

The Beating Heart is consistently updated to include new statistics, such as the daily estrogen/testosterone tracker that compares lovers’ romantic bio-rhythms to each other, complete with surge alerts. It’s a perfect complement to the Body Hug Tandem Suits.

The Proxy Poet is a classic that records shared memories in exhilarating detail, producing a file of instant prose that can be spoken without hesitation, perfect for third dates after two good ones. Just invest in a couple of memorable first dates and begin a romantic bank of personalized poetry that can be produced on command. A new recent addition to this accessory is a song mode that allows for lyrics to be sung to the best capabilities of your voice, administering notes that suit you best.

As Romantech hypes the upcoming November release of its most highly anticipated accessory, the 1440, couples everywhere are celebrating this breakthrough in intimacy. The 1440 allows for sharing thoughts between minds in real-time, permitting an instantaneous window into your thoughts and experiences, streamed straight to your partner’s consciousness. Nothing is shared that you choose to keep private.

Thor Blanderzyph, CEO of Romantech, described the 1440 to Jenlili Nottingford of YAK News. “No more explaining after the fact. No more misunderstandings or miscommunications. No more forgetting to put something on a shopping list. No more waking up and explaining your dreams, just send them to your Love. With the 1440, you communicate your intentions directly. Your minds connect for a perfect union of vivid immersion. For experienced couples, there is a feature that lets you co-create daydreams.”

Just turn the accessory off with a simple thought-switch that allows you to protect your most personal thoughts, but is there really any need to hide your thoughts and feelings when you are genuinely in love?

As Romantech says, “Happy in love is happy in life.”


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