The Fate of the Multiverse

Gavran Gold export, Politics Leave a Comment

Many planets were destroyed before their inhabitants had a chance to meaningfully evolve. When a planet is destroyed by evil deeds, every one of the spirits attached to that world is reassigned to a brand-new planet, with an entire reset on their evolutionary progress.

It takes innumerable resources to reassign so many souls, delaying aid to planets that might be salvageable if only they could be reached in time. Too many weren’t reached. The popular consensus at the time was to install a Multiverse for the good of all.

First instituted over 10-15 thousand years ago, depending on the location of the planet, the Multiverse was established with the deployment of satellites in the form of moons. Historic floods caused a setback for life on those planets, and they were repopulated with Project ARK (Anabolic Replicative Kenosis). Earth is part of that program.

The Multiverse’s function was to curb the mythical abilities of concentrated consciousness at the hands of reckless, spiritually immature sentients. The parallels also enabled residents to experience many circumstances simultaneously, expediting the soul’s evolution in a “safe zone”.

After thousands of years, research shows that evolution hasn’t gained much ground. Technological improvements accelerated throughout the paras, spurred by intelligence from nefarious alien agents. The imposition of divided consciousness is now deemed futile since planets acquired unchecked powers through the use of advanced weaponry. No matter how unstable, world leaders exclusively wield such power.

Many argue the Multiverse further complicates life. Too many paraselves create a roadblock to personal growth. The Multiverse has become an antiquated and cumbersome burden on the collective evolution of Apata.

The supporters of disassembling the Multiverse consider it a necessary evil, no matter the cost, as it nonconsensually alters the natural state of existence for nearly half of Apata’s inhabitants. According to this popular view, the Multiverse deters development, facilitating weakness in people, allowing evil to take hold. They become entirely disconnected from their subconscious, unable to come to terms with their numerous realities. It creates a shadow world of people working primarily through unconscious urges and drives.

The case against disabling the multiverse is just as heated. Newly singularized planets would give untrained shadow-walkers instant abilities: teleportation, telekinesis, psychic capabilities, limitless intelligence, increased memory, and prolonged lifespan (up to a thousand years) with virulent health. Essentially, worlds would wake up to populations of emotionally unstable, undisciplined superbeings.

Another major argument is environmental chaos – when the satellites are removed, climate catastrophes will ensue, destroying nearly all life on these planets. Removing them is not an ideal option and will cause much suffering. Life would essentially have to begin again for those worlds, which is another huge setback for battling the rising evil. As many incarnated light-bearers are needed as possible.

Experiments on the consequences of moon removal are being undertaken at Nexus University, in the universal capital planet of Asplenda. A miniverse using our seven Cupra (C-7) has been created and is being programmed to simulate planetary environments void of life, only water and rock. Scientists dispute that a miniverse could be void of life and are demanding more oversight, while others argue if it is indeed void of life, then the results won’t be accurate anyways. However, the point is to observe the effects of orbits, gravity, tidal impacts, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, oceanic landmass submergence, and extreme temperatures.

If the satellites are abandoned and left intact to keep the environment secure, then dangerous newly powerful beings will be able to access that technology, which could easily be weaponized to alter the reality of an entire planet to one’s favor, or sold on the black market. There will be enough danger without such unsecured technology waiting to be utilized.

Yet another option is to replace the interior of hundreds of thousands of these moons with rock, requiring immense resources. Lifeless, manually cored planets from the Otoa Galaxy were assembled to accommodate the necessary equipment. Each was carefully designed to equal a specific mass for a determined orbit that allowed for only the face of a moon to be visible to the planet below. This freed the far side to harbor undetected bases for its working inhabitants, visiting agents, and third-party inspectors. These moons were carefully calibrated and tested for perfection before being installed into orbit.

To transition these moons, each one would need to be concurrently emptied of equipment and filled with materials of the same mass to minimize any weight fluctuations, a tricky undertaking that could span centuries, and there isn’t that much time. Any major shift in that mass could still cause natural disasters on planets.

A new Proximate movement is making headway among the debate clatter, promoting the deletion of any para that is not whole by reprogramming the output to only serve integers. Under this approach, if a para is located in a subdivision, expressed by the use of decimals for numbers that aren’t whole, that para would be extinguished. This would leave a much more manageable 360 paras. While people would still have divided consciousness, it would be naturally more concentrated so people wield more natural power, allowing for an expedited transition to concentrated consciousness.

Critics argue that would open up a can of worms for the trillions already alive. Their psyches would suffer heavy trauma from the death of so many paraselves while instantly becoming more powerful. Living with such unidentifiable grief while navigating an era of such darkness is too much to contend with for most people. Billions would be an easy target for evil at a time when each world, each para, and every universe is desperately in need of balance and light.

With so many experts, scientists, astrophysicists, philosophers, mathematical probabilitists, environmentalists, and critics on every side of each argument clamoring to have their opinions recognized, lawmakers across Apata are paralyzed with uncertainty. When so few agree, the path forward is unclear.

Prime Minister Gastos of the United Parallels of Apata

Prime Minister Gastos of the United Parallels of Apata has unilaterally decided that the quickest way to overcome the obstacles of the divided consciousness is to make people aware by telling the truth about the Multiverse. The Parallel Times is proudly the first of its kind to report to Earth that it is included in the Multiverse program and its destiny awaits in the halls of the Galactic Assembly and possibly the Scarp of the Supreme Court.

Currently, the Prime Minister is in breach of a major provision of his oath of office to protect the Multiverse, by keeping it concealed from its inhabitants. The Galactic Assembly has authorized the Multiverse Oversite Committee to investigate PM Gastos, a once-favored politician appointed by them.

Gastos is refusing to step down, stating that he is upholding the very constructs of his oath, for if any world ends in the next century because people are more vulnerable to evil and those under his protection were never made aware, then he would be responsible for the downfall of the Multiverse, and the death of billions, if not trillions. He insists telling people will bring insight, which is imperative for healing, thus giving people more strength to manage another wave of evil crashing against the universe.

PM Gastos offered a statement to the press in response to his critics. “Getting the truth out is the only solid path forward that won’t result in chaos. Otherwise, the parallels won’t stand a chance, while the Galactic Assembly has wasted decades arguing about the best way to go about it that allows them to save face. It will be too late by the time any real change is enacted.”


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