The Depression Paradox
A 10 Part Series

1. an alternate definition, and/or spelling of an existing word as commonly used in the Multiverse
2. the rewording of a notable phrase, quote, proverb, etc., as stated in one or more divergent Paras

Multicenter - the center of the Multiverse, the most balanced and harmonious of the Paras
Multi-choice - the option offered to galaxies to employ a multiverse structure
Multimedia - use of several forms of media to communicate with the entire Multiverse
Multipack - a specialized bag that is impervious to the stresses of interpara travel
Multipart - when a solar system discontinues the use of a multiverse system due to evolving beyond any need of such a device
Multipliers - a tool for repairing the boundaries of Paras
Multiport - a high-security port granting access to the Paras to accommodate universal trade, located beyond a solar system's firewall
Multipull - the act of realizing through persistent and nagging thoughts that one exists in many Paras simultaneously
Multisite - one specific shared location accessed by two or more Paras
Multitude - an arrogant attitude, skewed one way or another, about the existence of the Multiverse
Multisided - a perspective in favor of the use of a Multiverse
Para1 - a causal or slang term for a parallel reality; a Parallel
Para-2- of or relating to the Multiverse
Parable - those with the inner resources to successfully navigate the complexities of the selves, maintaining consistency of quality character throughout the Paras
Parabull - outlandish fables or tales of other Paras in an effort to sound knowledgeable; to spread unverifiable propaganda
Paradice - a gamble using a means of interpara transportation that can result in one's arrival in a random unanticipated Para
Paradime - money that can be used anywhere in the Multiverse
Paradoor - a door set up as a portal to one or more other Paras
Paraglide - the act of intentionally or unintentionally honing in on the experience one or more different Paraselves, often in reference to dreaming
Paragraph - a diagram representing a system of connections or interrelations among two or more Paras
Paralegal - appointed, established, or authorized by the law of the Multiverse
Parallax - negligent security resulting in an unauthorized breach of Para boundaries
Parallel - a parallel reality sustained by the utilization of a Multiverse system; a Para
Paralies - the deliberate intent of governments to deceive citizens about the existence of the Multiverse
Parameant - intended a particular purpose or destiny in multiples Paras
Paramedic - a member of the paramilitary medical corps specializing in parafflicitions due to frequent travel between Paras
Parameter 1 - the official unit of measurement of the Multiverse
Parameter 2 - the boundary of a Para
Paramore - obsession with the realities of other Paras, often to the neglect of a current reality
Paramount - a paramilitary vehicle used for riding the "spaces" between Paras
Parannoyed - annoyance with one or more para-selves that seem to be working against you
Paranormal - conforming to the standard of other Paras; regular or natural in occurrence in another Para
Paranos - a reference to one's own Para, no matter which Para they exist in; "my Para" or "our Para"
Parapet - any domesticated animal kept as a companion exclusive to a alternate Para, usually obtained on the black market
Paraprofessional - a skilled or experienced person who earns a living relating to, or connected with, the Multiverse
Parasailing - a method of travel between Paras
Paraself - a self from another Para
Paraselves - two or more selves from another Para
Parasol - the one and only Sun that exists to all Paras
Parasight - the ability to see into other Paras
Parasite 1- a website from another Para
Parasite 2- the position or location of a Para in relation to others
Parashoot - when a weapon is discharged in one Para, but strikes a target in a different Para
Parataxis - a public passenger vehicle that transports people between Paras for a fee
Paratroop - a paramilitary unit of the Para Force
Paratrooper - a soldier of the Para Force of the United Parallels of Apata (UPA)
Proverbs & Quotes Reworded in the Multiverse

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