The Fate of the Multiverse

Gavran Gold export, Politics Leave a Comment

Many planets were destroyed before their inhabitants had a chance to meaningfully evolve. When a planet is destroyed by evil deeds, every one of the spirits attached to that world is reassigned to a brand-new planet, with an entire reset on their evolutionary progress. It takes innumerable resources to reassign so many souls, delaying aid to planets that might be …

Your Alpha Paraself

The Parallel Times Staff export, Lifestyle Leave a Comment

We all have an Alpha. What’s yours? Some people are extremists, some can’t see a positive path forward and languish. Others seem to master success with little effort. Chances are, you are noticing such results of Alpha paraselves. There are many influences on the human psyche – cosmic influences, DNA, environmental conditioning, past-life motivations, and life-path contracts – that all …

Spy Balloons Haunt the Parallels

Ven Donnel export, Politics Leave a Comment

One such balloon was shot down this week in the United States, sparking worldwide suspicion and controversy. Chinese weather balloons have been ominously drifting along the world’s currents, across continents, a seemingly redundant exercise from a country that has more tools to capture intelligence than most – from satellites to apps like Tik Tok. Turns out, they are not spying …

What it means to Leave

Anda Totita export, Lifestyle Leave a Comment

A new race of beings is being used to unite the restless masses into a distracted complacency. We are the Leaves, the broken and discarded experiments of a punitive government. Amid such grief, there is something new to be found, unintended by our tormentors, as is often the result in evil times. We are endowed with a sense of connection …

Parajournalism in the Multiverse

Cybele Dawn export, Paranos Leave a Comment

As a reporter for paranos with a pass-portal that works like a press pass, I’m granted access to government paralocations, or single buildings that are accessed from any parallel containing advanced gateways. Paralocations allow high-security staff from different paras to work together. A virtually undetectable PPS (Para Positioning System) tracker roughly the size of a small ant was implanted into …

Tremors in the Underground

thief export, Opinion Leave a Comment

The shady fugitive hideaway quakes with unwelcome change. The Underground was carved inside a para-tunnel between portals, a formless yet solid energetic lodge the size of a small town. A lawless chill there slithers into your bones, constricting your every move. The taming of fear is necessary to survive in that hungry cage. You can only ever see a couple …

Technology at its Most Romantech

Katania Sahal Fazimbiyek export, Tech Leave a Comment

Romantech is the world’s leading innovator of couples’ technology. There are few perfect romantic moments that don’t expire before their prime. All too often, romance ends up being a let-down, but Romantech has been working on a remedy with their brand of chip accessories that help people feel more satisfied with their romantic life.   As technology and automation increased, …

Chlorophylth Creates a New Race

Anda Totita export, Multiverse Leave a Comment

“The apogee to the left of the pendulum is no more balanced than the right swing, and gravity will never stop pulling both back down to earth, to where real people live.”  –Dolster Idaho, First Democratically Elected Leader of the People’s Republic of Friedl, who was assassinated along with his wife, 5 children, and his entire cabinet for crimes against …