Your Alpha Paraself

The Parallel Times Staff export, Lifestyle Leave a Comment

We all have an Alpha. What’s yours? Some people are extremists, some can’t see a positive path forward and languish. Others seem to master success with little effort. Chances are, you are noticing such results of Alpha paraselves. There are many influences on the human psyche – cosmic influences, DNA, environmental conditioning, past-life motivations, and life-path contracts – that all …

What it means to Leave

Anda Totita export, Lifestyle Leave a Comment

A new race of beings is being used to unite the restless masses into a distracted complacency. We are the Leaves, the broken and discarded experiments of a punitive government. Amid such grief, there is something new to be found, unintended by our tormentors, as is often the result in evil times. We are endowed with a sense of connection …

Concerto to Woman

Anda Totita export, Lifestyle Leave a Comment

One of the people who died with us the night we were left for dead after being discarded from an experimental facility was Clementine Naderly, an icon of woman’s rights and essayist of women’s experiences, who wrote the “Concerto to Woman.” She was a personal hero of mine and influenced me to write and distribute words to others. She will …