Technology at its Most Romantech

Katania Sahal Fazimbiyek export, Tech Leave a Comment

Romantech is the world’s leading innovator of couples’ technology. There are few perfect romantic moments that don’t expire before their prime. All too often, romance ends up being a let-down, but Romantech has been working on a remedy with their brand of chip accessories that help people feel more satisfied with their romantic life.   As technology and automation increased, …

Tech Lab Raid Exposes Chilling Dangers

Merth Wertenda export, Tech Leave a Comment

Last week in the 11th Paradomas, the largest technology lab raid in the history of the Multiverse unearthed a next-gen horsecart with deadly implications. This Horsecart brings anyone within a mile of their intended target in any chosen para. The lab is called Chequed Tectonics. The main clientele is Parahunters. Parahunters have always been able to jump around, but not …

Parahunter’s Civil War

Ven Donnel export, Parasecurity, Tech Leave a Comment

There are two classes of clientele in the quest for concentrated consciousness: the super-wealthy and the wealthiest. Both can purchase their way to an enhanced existence, not realizing or ignoring the personal cost to their long-term evolution, and both are well connected to underworld networks. The difference is the super-wealthy can only afford to hire an independent contractor, while the …