Covid-19 Ravages the Paras

Cybele Dawn export, Multiverse, Paranos 1 Comment

There was a long-held debate among scientists over engaging in Gain-of-Function (GOF) research, which intentionally manipulates viruses to be more infectious and virulent. Supporters of GOF stated that it would be irresponsible not to study these turbo-charged viruses, arguing it is necessary to prepare the generating of vaccines in anticipation of a mass-casualty event. Opponents argued that there is a strong probability that such an event will be caused by GOF research, not aided by it.

A ripple effect throughout the multiverse started right here, in paranos, our current parallel. Enhanced pathogens escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology paralocation. A paralocation is a single high-security facility with joint access to every parallel in the multiverse to share advances that benefit humanity. The WIV employs people from every parallel, which is why they refuse entrance to even those that fund their experiments and train their lab technicians.

Countries with varying degrees of complicity in every parallel are scrambling to cover up this deadly breach for a couple of reasons; the existence of paralocations has been classified information until now, and most governments or their allies are engaged in a silent biological arms race.

The biggest players in paranos regarding the cause and/or the cover-up of the pandemic:

The authors of The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2, the principle document supporting Fauci's claim that the virus is natural.
This is akin to asking a community of feather-hiccuping foxes their opinion on the hen house breach.

The biggest players in paranos regarding the cause and/or the cover-up of the pandemic:

The authors of The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2, the principle document supporting Fauci's claim that the virus is natural.
This is akin to asking a community of feather-hiccuping foxes their opinion on the hen house breach.

The misdeeds of the responsible parties continue to ripple through the parallels. In some paras, they are wanted for interpara bioterrorism and crimes against civilization. Local authorities went so far as detaining the offenders’ paraselves in an attempt to access their minds for information. Circulating rumors allege that Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng escaped by horsecart to either the 8th or 10th paradomas.

Even in the most docile paras, the ripple effect caused property and violent crimes to skyrocket. In extreme paras, it led to economic collapse and spurred civil and world wars. The existing reservoirs of magick dwindle due to magickal beings, who are particularly vulnerable to the virus, dying in record numbers.

The virus is known to the Faeries as seresmors. The vaccine, invented in 11th paradomas on the cusp of the 12th paradomas, is equally deadly to Faeries and other magick folks, igniting fears that governments are revisiting the extermination of magick. Governments are dismissing these concerns as “outrageous conspiracy theories,” parroted by the media.

The Faeries are the stewards of the light of Atharan, illuminating all beings with hopeful synchronicity, so they can recognize the universe speaking through the meaningful coincidences that give life depth and significance. As the Fae manage their current emergency, they cannot stoke the lights of the 4th dimension against the forces of darkness. This unprecedented circumstance is causing the Artharan to dim, to the detriment of all parallels.

A similar development is the tragic loss of over half the animal kingdom in the last 50 years in paranos, causing a detrimental spiritual deficiency. Animals keep the physical world connected to the spirit world. The grim impact of simultaneously losing the collective spiritual and magickal connection is daunting to negate.

What is being done?

Relations Representative of the Fae Courts, Jalaya Hollyhock, announced to the press that Fae Alchemists are currently working to create a universal naturally based anti-toxin that can be injected into the atmosphere to neutralize the virus that has the potential to work in every para. However, she alluded to the possibility of placing sanctions on paranos and other paras involved in this debacle until all gain-of-function research is ceased and all samples destroyed.

The Elite Lightforce, a team of precision Lightworkers, is sending light to all that remain open to it. This light may arrive in any form, giving individuals the tools, such as spiritual and emotional strength and accelerated healing.

Note: It is important to remember that light has respect for personal boundaries, and therefore must be invited into one’s life. Darkness has no boundaries and arrives uninvited to the mind and heart.


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