Parapsychology & Omnipsychology: The Depression Paradox
This is a guide towards profound understanding. If we can fathom what fuels our drives and urges, we can take steps towards self-empowerment. When "truths" told to us about ourselves do not fully resonate, the path towards healing feels futile.
While there have been profound advances over time, there are subjects traditional psychology has rarely addressed for thousands of years:

The human psyche cannot be pigeonholed into a psychology that does not acknowledge the currents of quantum and mystical influences that swim beneath the surface of the physical world. Once people remember who they are on a universal level, empty explanations are replaced by knowledge, understanding, and wonder.
When a planet thrives, when it truly advances, violence does not increase; it decreases. People become honorable stewards. Earth may take centuries to reach this ideal, but the hourglass is running out. A revolutionary understanding of ourselves is essential.
Hypnosis, meditation, and other transcendental states can delve deep into the psyche for clues to one's past, paraselves, and purpose.
No matter the cause of depression, a high-quality therapist can be helpful. Talking to someone who can assist in sorting thoughts, articulating feelings, and observing relationship dynamics is endlessly useful in itself.