Parahunter’s Civil War

Ven Donnel export, Parasecurity, Tech Leave a Comment

There are two classes of clientele in the quest for concentrated consciousness: the super-wealthy and the wealthiest. Both can purchase their way to an enhanced existence, not realizing or ignoring the personal cost to their long-term evolution, and both are well connected to underworld networks.

The difference is the super-wealthy can only afford to hire an independent contractor, while the wealthiest have the option of hiring an organization.

Independent contractors generally complete the mission in 3-5 years, sometimes longer. They must jump to every para to kill the paraselves or confirm their absence. A traditional horsecart lands one in the approximate relative space of another parallel, and the hunting begins.

Paraselves often have different names and seldom live in similar locations. There’s a lot of research and travel involved, along with an intimate knowledge of how each parallel functions; it can be like stepping backward, forward, or sideways in time. It takes the concentrated consciousness to inherit the recollection of such details.

Independent contractors will take a few clients at a time in the name of efficiency, arriving in a parallel with as much info as possible: names, fingerprints, pictures, and any other ID documentation of the client and their family members.

These solo contractors begin their careers with the unassisted extermination of their own paraselves, armed with a basic multiverse knowledge and access to a portal or horsecart. There are more who fail than not. Only those that display the highest caliber of sociopathic mettle reach such a dismal goal.

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Parahunter Organizations work for the absolute wealthiest and most instantly gratified people in the multiverse.

To this class, it’s a bit quaint to hire an independent contractor when you can afford to hire an organization that guarantees delivery in one month to a year. The price tag is in the billions.

Parahunter Organizations have a leg-up over their independent competitors: multiple parahunters and investigation firms in each parallel.

Some organizations recruit parahunters, killing all or most of their paraselves in return for a lifetime contract. The only way out is by death or by an indentured service’s worth of buying out their employment contract, and can just as easily end in death.

Syndicates impose undesirable assignments on parahunters, force yearly quotas, keep trackers on their men, and pull the reigns on any personal gratification. Parahunter employees remained despite whispers of discontent; damning their soul to submit to commands and forego all personal freedom for near eternity is not what they signed up for.

Independent contractors consider the employed as nothing more than a bought yesman that made no personal sacrifice, deserving their deal with the devil. Nonetheless, they’ve coexisted, if not peaceably, then at least without major disruption.

The two camps have always stayed in their respective lanes until last month. Syndicates are aware the advanced technology released into the black-market allows solitaries to compete with their faster delivery times. The immediate siphoning of clientele has already begun to drive prices down, and so a campaign was launched to hunt the autonomous parahunters.

Despite ongoing threats, the current flood of tech catalyzed a mass exodus of parahunters from organizations, turning the dynamics of the business on its head. For the resentfully employed, the technology was a path to work for oneself, with the tools to evade assassins whose only purpose was to keep the workforce in line.

Parahunter Organizations have no time to chase every last deserter down with the sudden and extensive employment drop – yet. The remaining employees enjoyed their sudden leverage demanding more pay, fixed-term contracts, and state-of-the-art equipment.

Scrambling to save their businesses, many organizations turned to prejacs, short for pre-ejaculates, a reference to those who killed most of their paraselves but never finished, becoming parahunters before they were ready. The naive prejaculates are pliant, poorly trained, and disposable. Time as an enemy encourages quantity over quality.

These prejacs thought since they were able to acquire the highest tech, that they no longer needed to waste time hunting their paraselves. However, there is an advantage to having concentrated consciousness when hunting—profoundly enhanced physical and extrasensory qualities mean the difference between life and death when technology fails.

In a surprising shift, Independent Contractors welcome the influx of recently emancipated parahunters, allying against an anticipated backlash from some of the most notoriously retaliatory organizations. The result is a formidable army of Earth’s deadliest assassins waging their war among the innocent, a scenario in which we all lose.


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