Spy Balloons Haunt the Parallels

Ven Donnel export, Politics Leave a Comment

One such balloon was shot down this week in the United States, sparking worldwide suspicion and controversy. Chinese weather balloons have been ominously drifting along the world’s currents, across continents, a seemingly redundant exercise from a country that has more tools to capture intelligence than most – from satellites to apps like Tik Tok. Turns out, they are not spying …

Tech Lab Raid Exposes Chilling Dangers

Merth Wertenda export, Tech Leave a Comment

Last week in the 11th Paradomas, the largest technology lab raid in the history of the Multiverse unearthed a next-gen horsecart with deadly implications. This Horsecart brings anyone within a mile of their intended target in any chosen para. The lab is called Chequed Tectonics. The main clientele is Parahunters. Parahunters have always been able to jump around, but not …

Parahunter’s Civil War

Ven Donnel export, Parasecurity, Tech Leave a Comment

There are two classes of clientele in the quest for concentrated consciousness: the super-wealthy and the wealthiest. Both can purchase their way to an enhanced existence, not realizing or ignoring the personal cost to their long-term evolution, and both are well connected to underworld networks. The difference is the super-wealthy can only afford to hire an independent contractor, while the …