Spy Balloons Haunt the Parallels

Ven Donnel export, Politics Leave a Comment

One such balloon was shot down this week in the United States, sparking worldwide suspicion and controversy.

Chinese weather balloons have been ominously drifting along the world’s currents, across continents, a seemingly redundant exercise from a country that has more tools to capture intelligence than most – from satellites to apps like Tik Tok.

Turns out, they are not spying on Paranos specifically, but are surveying the atmospheric thermal aberrations in a race to map Multiverse portals. From over 18km above Earth, they are able to detect portals that exist in the atmosphere as well as on the surface of and deep inside the earth by reading quantized atomic energy levels over a region and measuring spectral wavelengths of electrons to decipher prolonged unstable energy fields.

Once the resulting maps are overlayed from each para, probable portals that exist in multiple parallels are easily identified. Information collected in those paras can also include water data, pollution levels, and population density, which is often a solid indication of the existence of advanced technologies.

The Biden administration’s claims that three of these balloons were flying over the United States under former President Trump’s term is only partially accurate. With the unobserved balloons flitting in and out of multiple parallels, depending on their intended and accidental paths, they may have spent little to no time over North America in our parallel.

Spokesman Boan Shafta of Interpara Border Enforcement offered a short statement early on Tuesday, yet took no questions. “We can only assume the objective is to collect information on parallels while simultaneously working to map out Anomalies, Adytum Portals, and paralocations. We are working with governments’ intelligence agencies in all affected paras, as well as with the Central Intelligence Bureau of UPA to ensure the safety and security of all citizens of the Multiverse.”

China is a country that has regularly flaunted the regulations of the United Parallels of Apata in a constant search for new technologies, though they are not the only country. However, in recent years, they have been a leading disrupter of the Parallel Ethics & Compliance Charter, disregarding the usual protocols of protecting sovereign parallels that allow each para to flourish independently, with no deliberately observable Interpara events.

US Ship searching for debris.

While one balloon has been shot down off the North Carolina coast of the United States, several balloons still waft above other continents, in both Paranos and other parallels. Local governments have been warned to use great caution in shooting down these 70-meter-tall balloons, cautioning extended debris fields can span several miles depending on conditions, causing harm to both humans and wildlife. Such a large span makes it challenging to recover potentially hazardous debris.

If you see any such aerial peculiarities, please contact your local authorities.


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