We all have an Alpha. What’s yours?
Some people are extremists, some can’t see a positive path forward and languish. Others seem to master success with little effort. Chances are, you are noticing such results of Alpha paraselves.
There are many influences on the human psyche – cosmic influences, DNA, environmental conditioning, past-life motivations, and life-path contracts – that all work in unison to bend feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and decisions to their collective will as we seek clarity to minimize mistakes.
However, no mysterious drive has been so famously uncharted as the paraselves.
If something goes unacknowledged, such as past lives, it is granted a much larger swath of subconscious space with greater dominance in how life is experienced. At least there is a growing acknowledgment of past lives, how past traumas are embedded in our psyches and energetic bodies. However, too many people have never considered paraselves as another puzzle piece of their whole being.
This is very personal. No one can tell you what your Alpha is, even if they enjoy guessing. It is something obtained through soul searching, such as guided meditation or hypnosis. (Please note, self-hypnosis is a valuable tool if professional hypnosis makes you uncomfortable or is too expensive.)
When you reach your core, you will find that your spirit is still, the hub at the center of an intricate wheel. Your paraselves are the many spokes that spin around it. A truly spiritual and evolved being will have a balanced wheel with equal spokes, and their paraselves will be authentic to one’s true nature. That wheel turns gracefully forward.
For most, traveling takes its toll. Our spokes can become unattached to our center. This causes imbalance, placing the remaining spokes under intense pressure that could cause them to break. The more spokes that are broken, the less stability remains. When that wheel is misaligned, steering is challenging, and so is braking when a situation requires a more cautious approach. The entire system no longer functions as intended.
By reaching your center, you can witness the spokes. You can see which are broken, and which one is taking on the most tension and pressure. The Alpha. The Alpha will be the one that is most successful yet most in danger of snapping if not supported by the strengths of the others, and usually found in one of the more extreme paras.
The Alpha is the paraself that rises up and thrives in the worst conditions because that is where the soul feels most comfortable. Experiencing the Alpha in the healthier paras requires more balance, feeling equal to those that easily find peace in their hearts and harmony in their lives. It can be easier than it sounds to those who don’t struggle on a daily basis to maintain their equilibrium.
This can be reflected in what type of relationships and situations one attracts. Is there always drama swirling around? Do people treat you unfairly, without respect for your personal well-being? Are you always angry?
What are your everyday moods and conversations? Listen to yourself and you will find answers. This does not mean beating yourself up for perceived poorly wrought conversations, but using the tools of daily life to gauge your own development, and chart new paths if necessary.
Examples of how an Alpha paraself can affect the paraselves:
Parallel Main Theme for a Thriving Alpha Paraself | Possible Behavioral Outcome for Current Paraself |
Predominantly totalitarian governments | Desire to control society by any means to obtain order |
No viable governments | Entitlement to chaos-prone destruction and violence |
Surviving apocalyptic war | Doomsayer, convinced the world will end very soon |
Extreme overpopulation, drying up all resources | Hoarding, bunker building, territorial, loss of empathy |
Population Control | Creation of unreasonably large families or contempt for parents and children |
AI taking over the world | Fear, distrust, and paranoia pertaining to technology |
No occurrence of an industrial revolution | Trouble assimilating in advancing societies, homelessness |
Continuous wars on every continent | Search for safety in tribe, often seeking militias or gangs for security |
Peaceful Utopia with no wars on record | Naïve, idealistic, inexperienced outlook on how to handle true unrelenting evil |
Most fanatically religious | Imposing “superior” belief systems on society, public shaming |
Most secular and least spiritual | Shameless morals based on materialistic measurements of success |
So the good news is the spokes can be repaired. There are few distractions more important than learning how to live in a more fulfilling way.
The greatest gifts you bring into subsequent lives are the spiritual and emotional skills you pick up along the way.
Many are already enjoy the success of their Alpha paraself in this para, noted by a deep satisfaction with life. However, for late bloomers, even the occasional focus on the self adds meaning, understanding, wonder, and healing. Becoming your best you in this parallel will help you reclaim your power. Be patient, it is the work of many lifetimes, but it’s worth every second.
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